
Our Alumni Gallery

Judy and Pat Pearson, and Dan and Mildred Schultz at Reception
Judith Shaor Pearson, `66; Pat Pearson, `65; Dan Schultz, `62; Mildred Fletcher Schultz, `63

Judy and Pat Pearson, and Dan and Mildred Schultz at Reception

Judith Shaor Pearson, `66; Pat Pearson, `65; Dan Schultz, `62; Mildred Fletcher Schultz, `63

2008Canandaigua1-1a.jpg 2008PastPresidents_2114.JPG 2008Pearsons_Schultzes_2023.JPG 2008FinnenJ_B_2070.JPG 2008GiammatteoB_C_2098.JPG